My newsletter aim to provide authentic, pragmatic sales advice to founders and is based on; - 1st principle based sales - Customer centric selling - Helping increase the return on sales effort - Maximising your subject matter expertise to crete a competitive advantage
Hi Reader Many of you who subscribe to my newsletter are founders on a mission to grow your business, and I have a huge amount of respect for you. And many of you are salespeople working closely with founders to help them achieve their goals. Both categories are affected by the poor transition from founder-led sales to team-based selling. I've worked for a number of startups, and this transition seemed to be done with no real consideration of the key milestones above being achieved. The...
Hi Reader I hope July is treating you well so far!!! Last week I wrote a LinkedIn post about the founder's impact on a startup's sales. Check it out HERE. In this newsletter, I want to dive deeper into certain parts and today I'll cover 1️⃣ in more detail. "The Valley of Despair" The valley of despair (VOD) is a widely studied topic and exists in countless different areas. No matter how seasoned a founders is in sales or more technically minded, there is no escaping going through this...
Hi Reader My mission is to share fundamental learnings from selling B2B SaaS to help you close more sales with less effort and more regularly. This combination of results leads to accelerated revenue growth... EVERY BUSINESSES ULTIMATE GOAL!!!! Just like in a well oiled factory, creating an effective sales conveyor belt is the key to success. Without a repeatable process, sales efforts become fragmented, bespoke and ineffective. Reusable tools like lessons learned, ROI spreadsheets, and...